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Definition of the Interaction Distance

The interaction distance, D_\mathcal{F}, is a function of only one argument -- the interacting reduced density matrix \rho:

D_\mathcal{F} (\rho) = \underset{\sigma \in \mathcal{F}}{\mathrm{min}}D(\rho, \sigma)

Interaction distance represents the minimum of trace distance D(\rho, \sigma) = \frac{1}{2}\mathrm{tr}\sqrt{(\rho - \sigma)^2}, between \rho and  \sigma which belongs to the manifold of free density matrices \sigma \in \mathcal{F}. Note that to obtain the final value for the interaction distance we need to  perform a minimisation over all possible \sigma. Hence, the meaning of  D_\mathcal{F} is the shortest distance of \rho from the manifold  \mathcal{F} (see Figure on the left).

D_\mathcal{F} is a property of a quantum state, or more precisely its reduced density matrix \rho for a specific bipartition of the system. For a spin chain of length 2N and equal bipartition, the manifold \cal{F} is a 2^N dimensional space and the variational parameter \sigma has the same dimension as \rho, namely 2^N x 2^{N}. Fortunately the optimisation over \sigma can be reduced to one with only N parameters. This crucial simplification is possible due to the following theorem in linear algebra. Assume that both \rho, \sigma have been separately brought to diagonal form. Then, the minimum of trace distance between \rho and U \sigma U^\dagger, where U is any unitary matrix acting on the subsystem, is achieved when U is the permutation matrix.  In other words, the minimum can be computed by knowing only the spectra of \rho and \sigma, where both spectra are arranged in the same way (for example, from largest to smallest eigenvalues).  This means the optimisation need only be performed over the spectrum of \sigma, which is a much simpler optimisation over a space of dimension N.

The code section explains how the "esfactor" Python library, written by Christopher Turner, is used in order to perform the optimisation procedure and retrieve the value of D_\mathcal{F} and the spectrum of the optimal model, \sigma.